For Imperial Intelligence, their close connection with Security means they often arrange to waive or lessen a prisoner's sentence in exchange for service. Many such "services" end in the death of the prisoner, but just as often they don't, and the Empire remains true to their word. More, Imperial Intelligence often fosters relationships with the best of their former prisoner-agents, making use of them again and again. The result is that many prisoners within the imperial prison system are, in fact, de-facto informers and agents for Imperial Intelligence, arranging for "escapes" by political prisoners and then infiltrating enemy ranks in return for special considerations back home.
Black Ops prefers a more direct approach and employs elite hitmen and assassins in the form of Commandos and Demolitionists, which they deploy in Outrider-Class corvettes behind enemy lines, where they can wreak havoc, investigate enemy positions, or assassinate their rivals.
Black Ops
Elite Imperial Black Ops Commando
Commandos represent the elite of the dark arm of the Imperial forces known as Black Ops. They wear lighter armor than their naval counterparts, and use weapons that combine maneuverability with precision.
Overtech BPX-5 Assault Blaster (15):
4d+2 (5) burn sur (Acc 5, Range 300/900 RoF 12, Bulk -3)
Overtech BR-1 Rifle (15):
7d (5) burn sur (Acc 10+3, Range 800/2400 RoF 3, Bulk -5)
Vibroknife (15): 2d(5) cut (Reach C)
Skills: Camouflage-15, Electronics Operations (Comms)-12, Intimidation-12, Observation-15, Pilot (Contragravity)-12, Savoir-Faire (Military)-15, Soldier-15, Stealth-15, Vacc Suit-15
Traits: Bloodlust (12), Combat Reflexes, Fanatical (Empire), Fit
Notes: Human; Armor grants DR 80 to skull and torso, and flexible DR 40 to all other locations (except the visor, which is rigid DR 40), and is sealed; It is IR-shielded (-6 to see with IR vision) and has programmable camouflage that provides +2 to camouflage rolls; Helmet provides filtered air, superior IR vision (+2 to vision checks and x16 magnification), and hearing protection (+5 to resist hearing damage).They also feature 100-mile communication devices. Lightly Encumbered (-1).
Combat Assault (13): While firing from the shoulder, make a Move and Attack. Move up to 5 yards and attack, using full RoF 12. Successful hits strike a random hit location and deals 4d+2(5) burn. You may dodge, but you may not retreat or drop.
Vanish (10): At the beginning of a fight, a recon trooper will attempt to vanish and get the drop on his opponent. Roll Vanish (ignore modifiers for stealth at the beginning of a fight). Success means he may attack one opponent “from behind.” He may not do this at any other point in the fight.
Situational Awareness (17): Make a Concentrate maneuver and make an Observation roll. You can attempt to spot hidden opponents, or sudden changes in the battlefield.
Snipe (28): After a three aiming actions with a braced rifle, make an All-Out Attack (Aimed) with Masked penalty. Successful hit strikes the torso and deals 7d(5) burn sur. You may not defend.
Overtech BG-49 Blaster Rifle (15):
8d(5) burn sur (Acc 10+1, Range 1000/3000, RoF 12, Bulk -8) Bipod mounted.
IML (15): 6dx8(10) cr inc + 8d cr ex [3d cut] (Acc 3, Range 750/30k, RoF 1, Shots 1, Bulk 4)
Nerve Gas Grenade (15): 7 yard radius; HT-6 or 1d toxic every minute for 6 minutes. See UT 162
(Range 35 yards, +4 if you aim for the ground, 1 turn to ready, 2 seconds to blow)
Skills: Engineering (Combat)-15, Hazardous Materials (Any)-15, Intimidation-15, Observation-12, Pilot (Contragravity)-12, Savoir-Faire (Military)-15, Soldier-15, Stealth-15, Vacc Suit-15
Traits: Bloodlust (12), Combat Reflexes, Fanatical (Empire), Fit
Notes: Human; Armor grants DR 80 to skull and torso, and flexible DR 40 to all other locations (except the visor, which is rigid DR 40), and is sealed; It is IR-shielded (-6 to see with IR vision) and has programmable camouflage that provides +2 to camouflage rolls; Helmet provides filtered air, superior IR vision (+2 to vision checks and x16 magnification), and hearing protection (+5 to resist hearing damage).They also feature 100-mile communication devices. Most demolitionists carry at least 1 lb of explosives. Moderately Encumbered (-2).
Suppression Fire (8): While firing from a bipod, make an All-Out Attack (Suppression fire) for RoF 12. Anyone under the suppression zone can be hit (to a maximum of 12 targets) and must make a Will or Will-based Soldier roll (Add Fearlessness as a bonus, +2 from Combat Reflexes, and characters with Unfazeable automatically succeed) to expose themselves to the suppressive fire zone. Successful hits strike a random hit location and deal 8d(5) burn. You may not defend.
Focused Fire (15): While prone, make a sighted All-Out Attack against a single target, or a group of foes (Dividing shots among them) at full RoF 12. Successful hits strike a random hit location and deal 8d(5) burn sur. Make a Gun-Based Per roll at -4(8) on subsequent turns. Success grants a +5 to Focused Fire against the same targets. You may not defend.
Vanish (10): At the beginning of a fight, a recon trooper will attempt to vanish and get the drop on his opponent. Roll Vanish (ignore modifiers for stealth at the beginning of a fight). Success means he may attack one opponent “from behind.” He may not do this at any other point in the fight.
Situational Awareness (17): Make a Concentrate maneuver and make an Observation roll. You can attempt to spot hidden opponents, or sudden changes in the battlefield.
ST 12 | HP 12 | Speed 6.00 |
DX 12 | Will 11/13 | Move: 6 (5) |
IQ 11 | Per 11 | |
HT 12 (13) | FP 12 | SM +0 |
Dodge 10 (9) | Parry 11 | DR: 80/40 |
Overtech BPX-5 Assault Blaster (15):
4d+2 (5) burn sur (Acc 5, Range 300/900 RoF 12, Bulk -3)
Overtech BR-1 Rifle (15):
7d (5) burn sur (Acc 10+3, Range 800/2400 RoF 3, Bulk -5)
Vibroknife (15): 2d(5) cut (Reach C)
Skills: Camouflage-15, Electronics Operations (Comms)-12, Intimidation-12, Observation-15, Pilot (Contragravity)-12, Savoir-Faire (Military)-15, Soldier-15, Stealth-15, Vacc Suit-15
Traits: Bloodlust (12), Combat Reflexes, Fanatical (Empire), Fit
Notes: Human; Armor grants DR 80 to skull and torso, and flexible DR 40 to all other locations (except the visor, which is rigid DR 40), and is sealed; It is IR-shielded (-6 to see with IR vision) and has programmable camouflage that provides +2 to camouflage rolls; Helmet provides filtered air, superior IR vision (+2 to vision checks and x16 magnification), and hearing protection (+5 to resist hearing damage).They also feature 100-mile communication devices. Lightly Encumbered (-1).
Imperial Commando Tactics
Suppression Fire (8): While firing from the hip, move up to 3 yards and make an unsighted All-Out Attack (Suppression fire) using RoF 8. Anyone under the suppression zone can be hit (to a maximum of 8 targets) and must make a Will or Will-based Soldier roll (Add Fearlessness as a bonus, +2 from Combat Reflexes, and characters with Unfazeable automatically succeed) to expose themselves to the suppressive fire zone. Successful hits strike a random hit location and deal 4d+2(5) burn You may not defend. Gain +2 to Fast-Draw or to act first during a cascading wait. You may not defend.Combat Assault (13): While firing from the shoulder, make a Move and Attack. Move up to 5 yards and attack, using full RoF 12. Successful hits strike a random hit location and deals 4d+2(5) burn. You may dodge, but you may not retreat or drop.
Vanish (10): At the beginning of a fight, a recon trooper will attempt to vanish and get the drop on his opponent. Roll Vanish (ignore modifiers for stealth at the beginning of a fight). Success means he may attack one opponent “from behind.” He may not do this at any other point in the fight.
Situational Awareness (17): Make a Concentrate maneuver and make an Observation roll. You can attempt to spot hidden opponents, or sudden changes in the battlefield.
Snipe (28): After a three aiming actions with a braced rifle, make an All-Out Attack (Aimed) with Masked penalty. Successful hit strikes the torso and deals 7d(5) burn sur. You may not defend.
Elite Imperial Black Ops Demolitionist
Black Ops employ soldiers cross-trained between the specializations of chem troopers and imperial heavy troopers, representing the “best” of both words, able to sabotage enemy installations while also equally competent at terrorizing civilian populations.ST 12 | HP 12 | Speed 6.00 |
DX 12 | Will 11/13 | Move: 6 (4) |
IQ 11 | Per 11 | |
HT 12 (13) | FP 12 | SM +0 |
Dodge 10 (8) | Parry 11 | DR: 80/40 |
Overtech BG-49 Blaster Rifle (15):
8d(5) burn sur (Acc 10+1, Range 1000/3000, RoF 12, Bulk -8) Bipod mounted.
IML (15): 6dx8(10) cr inc + 8d cr ex [3d cut] (Acc 3, Range 750/30k, RoF 1, Shots 1, Bulk 4)
Nerve Gas Grenade (15): 7 yard radius; HT-6 or 1d toxic every minute for 6 minutes. See UT 162
(Range 35 yards, +4 if you aim for the ground, 1 turn to ready, 2 seconds to blow)
Skills: Engineering (Combat)-15, Hazardous Materials (Any)-15, Intimidation-15, Observation-12, Pilot (Contragravity)-12, Savoir-Faire (Military)-15, Soldier-15, Stealth-15, Vacc Suit-15
Traits: Bloodlust (12), Combat Reflexes, Fanatical (Empire), Fit
Notes: Human; Armor grants DR 80 to skull and torso, and flexible DR 40 to all other locations (except the visor, which is rigid DR 40), and is sealed; It is IR-shielded (-6 to see with IR vision) and has programmable camouflage that provides +2 to camouflage rolls; Helmet provides filtered air, superior IR vision (+2 to vision checks and x16 magnification), and hearing protection (+5 to resist hearing damage).They also feature 100-mile communication devices. Most demolitionists carry at least 1 lb of explosives. Moderately Encumbered (-2).
Imperial Demolitionist Tactics
Set-Up: It takes one second to drop Prone and ready the bipod. It takes 2 turns of changing Posture to stand again (but on the second turn, the Demolitionist may move)Suppression Fire (8): While firing from a bipod, make an All-Out Attack (Suppression fire) for RoF 12. Anyone under the suppression zone can be hit (to a maximum of 12 targets) and must make a Will or Will-based Soldier roll (Add Fearlessness as a bonus, +2 from Combat Reflexes, and characters with Unfazeable automatically succeed) to expose themselves to the suppressive fire zone. Successful hits strike a random hit location and deal 8d(5) burn. You may not defend.
Focused Fire (15): While prone, make a sighted All-Out Attack against a single target, or a group of foes (Dividing shots among them) at full RoF 12. Successful hits strike a random hit location and deal 8d(5) burn sur. Make a Gun-Based Per roll at -4(8) on subsequent turns. Success grants a +5 to Focused Fire against the same targets. You may not defend.
Vanish (10): At the beginning of a fight, a recon trooper will attempt to vanish and get the drop on his opponent. Roll Vanish (ignore modifiers for stealth at the beginning of a fight). Success means he may attack one opponent “from behind.” He may not do this at any other point in the fight.
Situational Awareness (17): Make a Concentrate maneuver and make an Observation roll. You can attempt to spot hidden opponents, or sudden changes in the battlefield.
Leavenworth Federal Penetentiary is no joke. They'll take a wild man like you and throw him in solitary just for the fun of it. No more mountains to board, no more oceans to surf. Just a 6-by-8 cell with no window and only a bucket to shit in. You can avoid all of that by doing me this small favor.The Empire chooses the best of the bet for its prison legions, even if it plans to throw them away. The result is that the prisoners that serve Imperial Intelligence are definitively a cut above their fellow prisoners and often make better soldiers than Imperial Security, or even some Imperial Naval troopers! This also makes them a big risk, but Imperial Intelligence always deploys control collars to keep them in line.
-Gibbons, xXx
Prison Bruiser
A criminal brute given a lighter sentence in exchange for service to Imperial Intelligence. They often serve as shock-troopers, moving to the front of their respective squad and risking death for the unit, because to do otherwise is certaindeath.
ST 15 | HP 15 | Speed 5 |
DX 10 | Will 10/12 | Move: 6 |
IQ 10 | Per 8 | |
HT 12 | FP 12 | SM +1 |
Dodge 9 | Parry 9 | DR: 70/30* |
BPX-5 Assault Blaster(15):
4d+2 (5) burn sur (Acc 5, Range 300/900 RoF 12, Bulk -3)
Fist (15):1d (Reach C, 1)
Skills: Area Knowledge (Neighborhood)-12, Hobby Skill (Feats of Strength)-12, Intimidation-12, Lifting-15, Streetwise-12, Wrestling-15
Traits:Combat Reflexes, Duty (Involuntary), High Pain Threshold
Notes: Human; 70 DR covers torso; 30 DR covers limbs, hands, feet, neck and skull (face is unprotected). 40 DR from torso is rigid, and all skull DR is rigid. Other DR is flexible, and DR 30 vs cutting, piercing and impaling, DR 10 against all other forms of attack. Has an additional DR of 2 against crushing attacks, representing sheer toughness. Helmet protects hearing (+5). Wears a filter mask and IR goggles on face. Carries communication device with 100-yard range, and a light source with 25 yard range. The Prison-Bruiser is equipped with a neural-lash restraint collar that an imperial agent controls, that also comes equipped with a mini-grenade that will deal 6dx3(10) cr ex to the wearer’s neck. The Bruiser is unencumbered.
Bruiser Tactics
Blast ‘Em (20): Move up to 2 yards and make an All-Out (Determined) sighted attack with your assault blaster using full ROF (12). Deal 4d+2(5) damage if you hit. You may not defend.Beat-Down (16): Move up to half your move (3 yards) and make a Telegraphic (+4 to hit) All-Out (Strong) attack. Your opponent defends at +2 and you deal 2d+6 cr (with a club) or 1d+2 cr with your fist. You may not defend.
Body Check (17): Move 6 yards and make an All Out Slam (Strong). Your opponent defends normally. Deal 1d+2 cr. If you deal more damage than your opponent, they must roll DX to remain on their feet. If you double their damage, they automatically fall. You may not defend.
Subdue (17): Make an All-Out Attack (Determined) Grapple. Opponent defends normally. If they fail to defend, they are grappled: They may not move away, and are at -4 DX (-1 dodge, -2 parry). You may not defend.
Swagger (16): Make a flourish after defeating an opponent, taking your whole turn. Roll Intimidation+4 to frighten off or cow your opposition.
Prison Psycho
The psycho defies order and control, and thus can be both the most useful and the least useful member of a prison squad. Intelligence prefers to simply unleash a group of them on the enemy and then walk away, with no intention of freeing them or even seeing if they survive. The best prison psychos often prove useful enough that Intelligence wants to keep them around, but they inevitably devise some plan or enjoy some lucky break that allows them to turn the tables on their captors. Worse, they’re awfully cavalier about their explosive collars.ST 10 | HP 10 | Speed 7 (6) |
DX 15 | Will 10/14 | Move: 7 |
IQ 10 | Per 10 | |
HT 12 | FP 12 | SM +0 |
Dodge 11(10) | Parry 10 | DR: 70/30* |
4d+2 (5) burn sur (Acc 5, Range 300/900 RoF 12, Bulk -3)
Vibro knife (15):1d (5) imp or 2d (5) cut (Reach C or C,1 for a cut, Parry -1)
Skills: Area Knowledge (Neighborhood)-15, Intimidation-15, Stealth-15, Streetwise-15
Traits: Bloodlust (12), Combat Reflexes, Fearlessness +2, Lucky, Odious Personal Habit (Various) -3, On the Edge (12)
Notes: Human; 70 DR covers torso; 30 DR covers limbs, hands, feet, neck and skull (face is unprotected). 40 DR from torso is rigid, and all skull DR is rigid. Other DR is flexible, and DR 30 vs cutting, piercing and impaling, DR 10 against all other forms of attack. Has an additional DR of 2 against crushing attacks, representing sheer toughness. Helmet protects hearing (+5). Wears a filter mask and IR goggles on face. Carries communication device with 100-yard range, and a light source with 25 yard range. The Prison Psycho is equipped with a neural-lash restraint collar that an imperial agent controls, that also comes equipped with a mini-grenade that will deal 6dx3(10) cr ex to the wearer’s neck. The Psycho is Lightly encumbered.
Psycho Tactics
Grab-and-Stab (15): Make a Move up to half your move (3 yards) and make a Telegraphic (+4 to hit) All-Out (Double) attack. First, grapple your opponent (Your opponent defends normally). Success means your opponent is at -4 to DX, -2 to parry and -1 to dodge. Then, make an impaling attack with your vibro-knife, dealing 1d+2 (5) impaling damage. You may not defend.
Wild Fire (9): While firing from the hip, move up to 3 yards and make an unsighted All-Out Attack (Suppression fire) using RoF 12. Anyone under the suppression zone can be hit (to a maximum of 8 targets) and must make a Will or Will-based Soldier roll (Add Fearlessness as a bonus, +2 from Combat Reflexes, and characters with Unfazeable automatically succeed) to expose themselves to the suppressive fire zone. Successful hits strike a random hit location. You may not defend. Gain +2 to Fast-Draw or to act first during a cascading wait.
Swagger (16): Make a flourish after defeating an opponent, taking your whole turn. Roll Intimidation+4 to frighten off or cow your opposition.
Prison Enforcer
The ideal criminal elite for Imperial Intelligence. They understand structures of command and know how to obey orders. They often build long-term relationships with their captors and can begin to act as leadership for their fellow prisoners. The primary problem with them is that they usually maintain ties with the outside world, and they’re the most likely to have an agenda the intelligence officer is unaware of, or friends on the outside just waiting for him to get sprung.ST 11 | HP 11 | Speed 6 |
DX 12 | Will 11/13 | Move: 6 |
IQ 11 | Per 11 | |
HT 12 | FP 12 | SM +0 |
Dodge 10 (9) | Parry 10 | DR: 70/30* |
BP-40 Blaster Pistol (15):
3d+2(5) burn sur (Acc 5, Range 400/1200 RoF 3, Bulk -2)
Neurolash Baton (15):HT-5 (5) (Reach 1, Parry 0)
Skills: Area Knowledge (Neighborhood)-15, Fast-Draw (Pistol)-15, Interrogation-15, Intimidation-15, Savoir-Faire (Mafia)-15, Streetwise-15
Traits: Bully (12), Combat Reflexes
Notes: Human; 70 DR covers torso; 30 DR covers limbs, hands, feet, neck and skull (face is unprotected). 40 DR from torso is rigid, and all skull DR is rigid. Other DR is flexible, and DR 30 vs cutting, piercing and impaling, DR 10 against all other forms of attack. Has an additional DR of 2 against crushing attacks, representing sheer toughness. Helmet protects hearing (+5). Wears a filter mask and IR goggles on face. Carries communication device with 100-yard range, and a light source with 25 yard range. The Prison Enforcer is equipped with a neural-lash restraint collar that an imperial agent controls, that also comes equipped with a mini-grenade that will deal 6dx3(10) cr ex to the wearer’s neck. The Enforcer is Lightly encumbered.
Enforcer Tactics
Professional Shooter (14): While in cover, move from cover and make a sighted, All-Out (Determined) sighted attack with you Blaster Pistol. Opponent defends normally. If successful, hit the torso. Return to cover (Pop-up attack). You may not defend.Aggressive Discipline (19):Make an all-out shortsword attack with your baton. Your opponent defends normally. If you hit, inflict 1d-3 cr damage and HT-5(5) neurolash affliction. Any damage that inflicts shock requires a roll for stunning. You may not defend.
Swagger (19): Make a flourish after defeating an opponent, taking your whole turn. Roll Intimidation+4 to frighten off or cow your opposition.
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