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Alternatives for Change

Alternatives is a recurring post in which I give synonyms for an over used word. Click on the tab above for a "complete" list of over used words.

Today's word is:
The only thing constant, is change. And on this, the second day of the New Year, it seems more than coincidental that the next word on my list of over used words just happens to be, CHANGE.
Change is the one thing we can be sure of. It applies to all aspects of our lives. Embrace change, it is your brother/sister. It is at the heart of all we do.

“If we could change ourselves, the tendencies in the world would also change. As a man changes his own nature, so does the attitude of the world change towards him. … We need not wait to see what others do." Gandhi. 

These words have been simplified, rewritten, changed into something with which we are all more familiar: Be the change you wish to see in the world.

Depending on how you use it, this list may come in handy for finding another way to say the same thing.

about-face, adapt/adaptation, addition, adjust/adjustment, advance, alter/alteration/alternate, amend/amendment, avatar

barter, become different, blacken, bleach, bleed, break

compression, contraction, convert/conversion, correction

deepen, deformation, deoxidization, deoxidation, depart from, departure, derivation, develop/development, deviate/deviation difference, discolor, displace/displacement, distortion, diversification/diversify/diversity, diversion, doctor, dye

edit, evolve/evolution, exchange

fade, fluctuate/fluctuation

give way, gray,

inconstancy, inflexion, innovate/innovation, interchange, introduce new blood, inversion



make different, make way for, mellow, metagenesis, metamorphose/metamorphosis, moderate, modification/modify, modulate/modulation, mood, mutate/mutation



pale, permutation, permute


recast, reconstruct/reconstruction, rectification, redden, redesign, redo/redoing, refashion/refashioning, refine/refinement, reform/reformation, regulate/regulation, relieve, remake/remaking, remodel/remodeling, remove, reorder, reorganize, replace/replacement, reshape, resolution, restyle, revamp/revamping, reversal/reverse review, revise/revision, revolution, rework/reworking, run

shift, shuffle the cards, substitute/substitution, surrogate, supersede, swap, switch

take a turn, tamper with, tarnish, tempering, trade, transanimation, transmigration, transfiguration/transfigure/transfigurment, transference, transform/transformation, transition, transmute/transmutation, transubstantiation, turn, turnover, turn the corner, tweak

vamp up, variance, variation, variety, vary, vacillate, veer, vicissitude

warp, wax and wane, whiten, whole new ball game


Change as in money
abundance, allowance

banknote, bankroll, big bucks, bill, bomb (British), boodle, bread, bucks, buddle, bundle

cabbage, capital, cash, cashier’s check, change, check, chips, chump change, coin, coinage, currency

dead presidents, dibs, dime, dollar, dough, draft,


finances, folding money, fortune, funds

gold, green, greenbacks


kale, king’s ransom

legal tender, lolly (British), long green, lot, lucre

mad money, means, megabucks, mint, mite, money order, moola

needful, note


paper money, peanuts, pelf, petty cash, pin money, pittance, pile, pocket money, pot

resources, riches, roll

scratch, scrip, shekels, shoestring, specie, spending money

tender, treasure

wad, wallet, wampum, wealth, wherewithal


This song by the Scorpions is truly beautiful with a profound and simple message that is as relevant today as when it was first released. Happy New Year. 

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