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Do you like books?

I am illustrating two stories!  This is all happening thanks to Jeremiah Christie, a writer who approached me several years ago to do some brainstorming. Here we are now with the results. Jeremiah has come up with a dozen stories and poems and in collaboration with myself and seven other artists, we are trying to make an actual book come of it.  
Please check out this video:

We are getting down to the wire. One generous donor has just pledged enough to earn themselves a guided tour of Shijiazhuang, which brings us to 19% of our funding goal! But we only have until May 2nd (2015) to fund the rest of it.  ALL OR NOTHING. If enough of you out there are interested, this book could become a reality. If you've been saying I should illustrate a children's book, well, this is my chance. Please make a pledge!
Read more about some of the other people behind this project here at Jeremiah's website.  He wrote a really flattering post about me and my art, too!  You can find that right here.

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