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Yarn Therapy

 Do you ever have such a crazy week, or weeks that you can't quite catch up for all the mess?  This has been the absolute, craziest last  few weeks for us at our home.  Nothing horrible, but lots of crazy let me tell you.  And when life gets crazy I used to go and buy shoes, not now it is purely yarn for me.  See above.  Beautiful yarn that I am not sure what to do with, but I am sure I will figure out.  As my life gets crazier do I try to focus on one project and get it done?  No, not me I have to start another.  Crazy = Attention Deficit apparently.

Remember when my oldest stopped swimming at his swim team of seven years, with the coach from he*l?  He is doing great, thriving to be exact, so we are so blessed by that.  My youngest decided to stop swimming 3 weeks ago.  Which at the time I was disappointed about because he has so much talent, the thing is he is very much like me, sensitive and not competitive.  It is hard following in his brothers shadow, even though we never put him there.  But I see now the  chance to give him a break has also given me a huge one.  I am no longer riding an hour to and from work every morning to turn around quickly, pick him up at school, and drive to swim practice.  His break has given me the gift of time.  Time I really didn't realize I needed so badly until I got a taste of it. 

So why the yarn therapy you ask?  The young man staying with us for the past 9 months, in order to train with my oldest sons,  previous, crazy swim coach, has been creating a lot of tension.  He misses my son at practice and I somehow feel he and his mother think my boy should be there for this ones benefit.  As I have told him a million times, you make the best decisions for you and my son will make the best decisions for him. The coach is filling his head with all sorts of horrible things about us, his crazy mother listens, and there you go, disaster. We have treated this young man so nicely these past 9 months.  Cared for him when he was sick, cared for him like family, and  kept a close eye on him and his ever present young girlfriend, (also here from Texas to train, and not with her parents). I have tried to be a good mother type figure to him, knowing his own wasn't always dealing with a full deck. 

 He left yesterday after school without telling us he was planning to go.  My husband actually pulled up as he was packing his car, they talked, he feels stressed and needs to move on.  At 17 that is a sad state of affairs, especially after he has been so happy here.  His coach and mother are pushing him, and making me out to be some kind of crazy woman.  It was time I know, but what a horrible way for them to plan this.  It should have been a nice exit, to a nice period in his life, so sad for him.  But it will be great to get my family unit back together, and not have the extra worry about a very active, teenager who is not mine.
 So yarn was in order don't you think?  I really don't drink, don't eat sugar, so yarn is the best retail therapy in the world.  I plan on sitting in my favorite evening spot tonight while the air is still nice from this little cool front we have had, and knit or crochet.
 I plan on looking at the beautiful evening sun as it lights up the trees in my back yard and be thankful I have a wonderful, intact family, I love so much.  I will send this young man positive thoughts on his journey, and hope that the last 8 1/2 months will end up meaning more to him, than the last crazy two weeks his coach and mother have created.
And I will send all of you, my dear friends loving thoughts.  Some healing thoughts for those who need it, thoughts of prosperity for those who need it, and of course thoughts of peace and contentment.

Have a lovely evening.

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