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Yarn Along

On the left (at least I think it's the left) is my hat that is at the decreasing part-it should be done by the end of today.  I've knit that pattern many times and it is a great easy knit.  On the right is my second citron shawl, the yarn is half silk and half wool and it is wonderful!  It has more of a woolly bloom than I expected-a pleasure to knit and I bet it will block perfectly!

I am thrilled to report that my featherweight cardigan is complete and I posted about it yesterday.  I had to rework the button band which ended up to be a minor setback.  But it felt like a major setback!  So I have a cardigan just sitting and waiting to be worn when the weather is a bit cooler.

I continue to read The Language of Flowers and I continue to enjoy it.  It is an excellent story and well written about the foster care system and relationships.  The main character has trouble attaching herself emotionally to other people. Overall the book is sad but there is always a thread of hopefulness that keeps me reading.  It's fun that there are many flowers mentioned and intertwined in the plot-clever!  I still recommend the book-it's one of those that will not be a disappointing ending.  I love books like that.  When I was at the bookstore over the weekend, I picked up An Everlasting Meal. I flipped through and saw a chapter about boiling water!  Now that is something that caught my interest and cannot wait to see if I'm doing it right or wrong ;)

What are you knitting and reading this week?

Joining Ginny

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