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Awake! Do not sleep in fiction, awake to truth.
Awake O my soul.
Breathe in His compassion.
Drink deeply from His love.
Taste and see that He is good.
Awake O my soul.
With wide eyes filled with wonder take in what surrounds you.
Fresh from sleep, wide eyes to greet the day.
Get up and get dressed and give thanks.
Thank You for this breath.
Thank You for these warm pants and this warm shirt.
Thank You for the tennis shoes and warm shoes.
Thank You for the blankets I fold.
Thank You for the hot coffee I brew, smell and gingerly sip.
Thank You for the safety that I laid down in and awoke in.
Thank You for Your mercy that is new this morning.
Thank You for Your unfailing love.
Thank You for my sweet husband and my beautiful children and my silly dog.
Awake O my soul.
For the Lord has created a new day and He has gifted you with the rising of the sun and fresh mercies.
Thank You for the Psalmist who urges us to taste and see that You are good, that tells us of your great love and mercy, who beckons us to fall to our knees in wonder, with eyes wide open and give thanks.

Gypsy Mama Five Minute Fridays

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