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1 Warm Weather Christmas + 2 Jack Russells = 1 Air Horn

I have been out of the blogging loop for the past few days. The family and I loaded up and headed to my parent's house......otherwise known as The Bab's and Mr. B's hacienda. They are lucky enough to live on the coast where warm weather abounds and people are still wearing short sleeve shirts at this time of year.
Seeing as how we have had a abnormal amount of snow lately, we were excited. And, yes this picture was taken very close to their house. *sigh*
For this trip I decided to take my Jack Russell with me. I was feeling rather confident and skillful in my dog knowledge/discipline......

Because my parents have a Jack Russell of their own. A rather handsome chap who goes by the name of, Hamilton. He and my dad are the best of buddies. Let's just say that the two jacks had a couple of ummmm....., "sparring sessions". Things got a little crazy and my friend, Airedalelibrarian, suggested that I use an air horn to break up their spats.

Yes, that's right.....an air horn.....in the house. A house all ready chock full of many grandchildren, adults, and noise.

While it worked like a charm, I am afraid that Babs and Mr. B had their fill of noise before it was time for us to go.

Eventually they tired of each other and of hearing that noisy blast.
Air horns bring a whole new meaning to the word, "festive".

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