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Charles Barkley and Me

 On the news or somewhere, I heard Charles Barkley talking about plans for the year. He had only one goal, improving his health...just like me.

He had an injury and while recovering, he had gained 70 lbs....just like me. 

I think his injury occurred this past year while mine occurred 20 years ago. Well, we both have a weight problem. 

While I gained the 70 lbs. in six months, my body barely changed. I  could wear halter tops that barely reached my waist. I had been eating my feelings and planning a trip to Australia while I waited for workmen's comp to "allow" an MRI on my knee. Eventually, I had surgery even though the physical therapist reported I was malingering. Twenty years later with virtually no exercise, my body is a mess. 

Bitter some? Yes. 

Well, I have not done well after several other injuries that were a result of the first one. No only have I gained weight, I have lost lots of mobility, strength, and coordination all over my body. 

This has got to end. 

One advantage to living alone is that there is no one wanting food and I am the cook! I suppose I will have to be strong and be the conscience for two. And, no one needs to chide me for what I eat! Never. Just wrestle it out of my hands...lol. 

Now, at 1 pm., I am going to scramble three eggs and drink a glass of milk for breakfast. 

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