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Kenosha Wisconsin on fire after police shoot a convicted felon and sex offender Blake Jenkins is shot and killed

  Ed West
     A scumbag, dope dealer, fuck registered sex offender and pimp name Jacob Jamal Jenkins was shot by Kenosha police setting off a night or protest and major rioting not ever seen in the 123 year old history of our Kenosha, Wisconsin. I am from this  town and through the years the Democrats have shipped low-income fuck fro Chicago and Milwaukee to bring about  a political domination  or their party and use f racial political identity pollution  and the drug trade in this key hub city of two hundred thousand when confined with nearby Racine,Wisconsin that sits strategically between the lake Michigan  Midwest cities of Chicago and Milwaukee. Kenosha has ghettos and player regions long dominated by gangs and tattoos demons  Racine,  Wisconsin and I always predicted a shooting like this would occur and make national headlines. Actually police shootings are common in this area having
occurred to a variety of people of all ethnicity  and races but tragically we are living in the era of Black supremacy and that  this occurs against the black predictably that occurred last night in Kenosha is what we can expect. Police also sot someone resisting arresting and lunging at police with a knife in Lafayette,Indiana last night as well and saw rioting  and looting in this Louisiana city as well, / Jacob Jamal was going to his car refusing plice demands he put his hand behind his bacl and the man obviously was either going for a gun or had one in hi waistband like 90 Percent of the black sin Wisconsin and the shooting of this thug provided another excuse for local blacks to riot.
Yhe Blake Jacob shooting can occur when the blacks ignore requests to not forcefully resit arrests sand perhaps someone should teach them the proper procedures and actions that warrant your use and duty as  citizen when police require you to be handcuffed and what doesn't seem to occur to the blacks is that in all cases when one is handcuffed or detained it does not mean you are going to be arrested and booked at the station. ac usual the incompetent  gay Governor of Wisconsin Tony Ever splayed the racial card as a good Democrats without knowing the further details that caused this police shootings and he failed miserable again in containing these riots much like the massive Milwaukee riots of last week during the Democratic national convention.
Hundreds of thousands came to downtown Kenosha to protest the Jacob Jenkins shooting ignoring the fact that this guy was yet another thug animal wild bandito with numerous convictions and he was a sex offender as well and anyone making an issue and supporting of a sickening rapist should go to hell and be shot numerous times as well. Tony Evers is a beta male a horrendous elected official that likely ta rigged democratic Milwaukee system that is  systematically stole the election from Scott Walker and Tony Ever is  so castrated and a weakling he doesn't  know his ass from his mouth and came on local Wisconsin television  and said  uhhhh please stop. the man is unfit to be governor unfit to even be what he most resembles in life and this is a Catholic priest. I don't  think Tony Evers an even be a pedophile priest of the Catholic order.

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