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'Kingsman: The Golden Circle': Get the Inside Scoop From All-Star Cast

'Kingsman: The Golden Circle': Get the Inside Scoop From All-Star Cast

Marcus Errico
Deputy Editor, Yahoo Entertainment
Colin Firth can’t say a thing. The surprise returning star of Kingsman: The Golden Circle joined his cast mates at San Diego Comic-Con to help hype Matthew Vaughn‘s sequel to 2014 spy adventure Kingsman: The Secret Service. And the first question from Yahoo Movies is probably yours too: How the heck is his character, Harry “Galahad” Hart, back after getting shot in the head in Secret Service?
“I’ve come 6,000 miles to promote it and then I’m not supposed to really talk,” he replies. “I’m decoration.”
Fortunately, the rest of the ensemble — returning star Taron Egerton (Eggsy, a.k.a. the new Galahad) and the American secret-agent force known as the Stateman played by Jeff BridgesChanning TatumHalle Berry, and Pedro Pascal — was much more forthcoming about the new film, breaking down the plot for Yahoo Movies. (Watch above.)
The sequel finds Eggsy traveling to the U.S. to team up with the Statesman to bring down the notorious drug gang called the Golden Circle, led by the nefarious Poppy (Julianne Moore).
Bridges explained who the Statesman are. “Our cover [is] we’re booze-makers. We distill bourbon in Kentucky. These guys,” he says gesturing to Egerton and Firth, “are named after Knights of the Roundtable. We’re named after booze. I’m Champagne…”
“Tequila,” says Tatum.
“Whiskey,” says Pascal.
“I’m a mixer,” adds Berry. “I’m Ginger Ale.”
As evident in the trailer released at Comic-Con, the film amps up the action. But can they top the signature scene from Secret Service, where Hart takes out an entire church full of attackers.
“There is a church fight, it goes on about a quarter of the movie,” Bridges deadpans.
“The one [scene] from the first movie, they just dropped in,” quips Egerton.
Adds Bridges, “But it’s in a synagogue.”
Kingsman: The Golden Circle opens Sept. 22.
‘Kingsman: The Golden Circle’: Watch a trailer:

Kingsman: The Golden Circle (Trailer 2)

Kingsman: The Golden Circle (Trailer 2)
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