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COOL Factor

Just a whole lot of really cool today, enjoy.

Oil on Beetle by Akihiro Higuchi

"I want to sleep awhile,
awhile, a minute, a century."

— Federico García Lorca, from ‘Gacela of the Dark Death’ 

Fyodor Golan

London Fashion Week

Oil on Beetle by Akihitro Higuchi

tristana hair pin – bronze or white bronze


"We often make the mistake of thinking an explanation of why we did something is a satisfying justification for our actions. 
It isn’t."


Oil on Beetle by Akihiro Higuchi

Oil on Beetle by Akihiro Higuchi

This is cool.

Oil on Beetle by Akihiro Higuchi

disc ear jackets – brass, sterling, or gold-plated

sanktoleonojewelry’s bold metallic style ranges from edgy and spiky to soft and rounded, so you can find the perfect piece to suit your own look — from hair sticks to ear jackets, you’ll experience something unique every time you visit.

Oil on Beetle by Akihiro Higuchi

figtny.com | photo Harrison Boyce

Oil on Beetle by Akihiro Higuchi

Fyodor Golan

London Fashion Week

"I can feel this heart inside me and I conclude it exists. 
I can touch this world and I also conclude that it exists. 
All my knowledge ends at this point. 
The rest is hypothesis."

— Albert Camus, The Myth of Sisyphus 



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