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We are engaged!

After almost 8 years of friendship and love Boris proposed to me in our favorite "all you can eat" sushi bar. I couldn´t wipe the smile off my face for the entire day yesterday!!!!

It´s funny, since we´ve been talking about it for a long time now, not in an awkward way at all, because since our 1 month anniversary I knew we will be together forever and that I have found the only one in my life!
Yet still I was so surprised and excited...

Fun Fact: since we stuff ourselves like pigs in that "all you can eat" place we were joking for a while now that we should get married there. Well there you have it XD

Of course with no further ado, the ring:

Fun Fact 2: the ring is big on me, which is okay since it´s impossible to find a ring for my skeleton fingers! Like I seriously can wear only children sized rings. Boris said this was the smallest size, and it still so funny because I have predicted long ago that this would happen XD I would go to a goldsmith to make it smaller since I love it so much I want to wear it with pride and never take it off!

So much for good news! I actually didn´t know what engaged meant until now lol. One thing for sure, Boris and I are so happy we are far away from all our relatives and probably won´t do anything ceremonial for the wedding. We hate that crap, I hate wedding dresses (nor do I love most of my relatives and the ones I would love to invite are in Uzbekistan from my mother´s side anyway).
Next step is to figure out the bureaucratic procedure which should definitely be fun ;)

I am so so happy, something in making a commitment officially doesn´t leave a cynical asshole like me untouched. Everything inside me is blooming with love!

N. Finsternis  

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