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left: venus | right: foxy
left: walk of shame | right: naked 2
left: faint | right: crave

To compliment my new Urban Decay Naked 2 Palette, my wonderful boyfriend Dave bought me the new Urban Decay Naked Basics Palette for Christmas. I was delirious with excitement when I opened it (although I kind of knew I was getting it because he accidentally left the receipt lying around the spare room...) and I couldn't wait to swatch it and start playing with it. So I didn't wait - hence why there's product already over most of the tin and the pans have been touched. I know bloggers are supposed to wait until all of the photos have been taken but this time I couldn't resist. I will behave myself with the next few products... 


Anyway on with the show... as they say.

It's a small tin, reminiscent of the Naked 2 packaging, but smaller than I thought it was from other blogger's reviews. Does anyone else get that with other products when they see the actual product up close and personal versus edited pictures from the internet? It contains six full size eyeshadows, four of which are exclusive to this palette and brand new shades. With the exception of one of the pans they're all matte (Urban Decay say all six are matte but I personally think there is definitely a subtle shimmer in Venus - or maybe I need my eyes testing?) which is great for someone like me that has semi-hooded eyelids (shimmer and glitter draw attention to this fact so matte is best for my eye shape). 

The usual Urban Decay quality is here: finely milled powders that feel creamy to the touch and blend beautifully. They're cool-toned colours which make them perfect for my skin tone. 

My favourite colours in this palette are definitely Walk Of Shame and Naked 2 as I think that these combined (WOS over the entire lid and Naked 2 in the crease) will become one of my most used eye combinations for a neutral daytime go-to which, with a flick of brown eyeliner and a lengthening mascara, will make for a really naturally pretty look. I will no doubt use of all the colours though as I think that Crave will make the most intense black for any smoky eye. Venus is definitely a highlighter for the inner corners of the eye and the brow-bone.

I feel like I've been neglecting my eyes for all of this time. I openly admitted I never use anything on my eyes in one of my YouTube videos - now it's the complete opposite. It's all thanks to Urban Decay.

The Urban Decay Naked Basics Palette is available from most Urban Decay counters across the country for £20. Alternatively you can find this palette on Urban Decay online, Debenhams online or House of Fraser online.

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