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Resolute Beauty Blogger Feb 2014

Hi Ladies!  Beauty Bloggers Shalunya from Shalunya and Boyet and El from Glossy Glam Blog teamed up to create The Resolute Beauty Blogger. They wanted to do this to not only stay on track with their Beauty Blog Resolutions for 2014 but also to give other beauty bloggers the chance to join in on the action. 

This month's question is: "What tools do you use to track and to stay focused on your goals?"

I don't really have tools that I use to track and stay focused on my goals. Blogging in general and interacting with other bloggers is what has helped me stay on track with my blogging goals. Believe it or not, the friends I have made through blogging have also helped me stay on track with some of my personal goals. I do write down ideas for new posts on sticky notes. I also write down lists of finished posts and posts in progress.

Here are my goals and updates on each:

Gain a larger following- I have tried to stay active in several different types of social media to gain a larger following. I post my new posts not only on Facebook, but on Instagram and Twitter too. I also interact with people on these platforms to meet new people and stay relevant.

Continue to collaborate with other beauty bloggers- I have already done 3 collaborations so far this month and have two more in the works. I really enjoy working with other bloggers and coming up with creative and unique post ideas. I am really pleased with my progress with this goal so far.

Learn more about the beauty blogger world-  I am slowly but surely learning new things about blogging. I learn new things all the time. I'm a little overwhelmed with this because there is SO MUCH to learn. How to do things that will help gain a following, what NOT to do, how to attract companies to your blog etc.! I feel like I will never know everything about blogging.

Participate in a No Buy and Tags- I am currently doing my own no buy this month. I may or may not do a post on it. I just decided to not purchase any beauty products this month. I have so much stuff to play with from Christmas and stuff that I bought in January. So, it hasn't been that hard. I have also participated in a couple tags which are fun. I hope to do more in the future.

Try to do more fashion related posts- My blog is definitely more beauty oriented but I  try to sneak in a fashion related post at least one a week. I want to do a Spring Fashion Trends post in March so that is one of my goals for that month.

Try to use Instagram and Twitter more often- I am using IG a lot so I am pleased with that. I need to chat more with people on Twitter. I tend to use IG more in general as I have more of a grasp on the concept. Twitter is a little tough for me.

Try out more drugstore brand products- At least half of my beauty purchases in January were drugstore brand products. I have my blogger friends to thank for opening my eyes to some WONDERFUL products. I bought everything from eye shadow quads, to makeup brushes, to lipsticks, and face masks. I am also very pleased at where I am with this goal.

My Personal Resolutions:

Be more positive- I am doing my very best at this and catch myself when I find myself saying or acting negative. Talking to such upbeat and positive ladies daily has really helped me though. I have my good days and bad days with this. I need to try just a bit harder on this one. Especially when it comes to my job.

Eat healthier- Ok I'll admit it... I haven't tried THAT hard with this one. I am planning out my meals a little more but I am such a chip addict! I love snacks. The problem isn't snacking on cheese and crackers, pretzels and hummus, or Doritos. It is the AMOUNT that I eat. I need to try a little harder. I always find that once the spring comes I make more of an effort. I am going to Mexico in July so I need to prepare for that because I KNOW I am going to splurge there!

Appreciate what I have- I have been doing pretty good at this. Especially when I hear about sad or horrible things...which now a days is every time you turn on the news.

This is where I am with my goals this month! I hope you enjoyed reading.

-Tanya xoxo

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