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Feature in Pure Beauty Magazine May 2012!

Have you seen Pure Beauty's Magazine's May 2012 issue yet? In their "Caught in the Web" section (on page 61), they feature a blogger every month, and this month, yours truly is in there. In this issue I have a short column where I write a little bit about why I blog, how I blog, as well as a little bit of some of my blogging highlights!

Basically this is a little bit of a behind-the-scenes peek into my blogging, and my attitudes to blogging. They don't really change too much, if you read another recent feature the same themes come through, pretty much. Man, I guess I do sound like a one-track record, huh? Maybe I should mix it up a tad :)

Anyway, to see the feature, go to the Pure Beauty's Magazine's May 2012 issue on page 61. I don't know if anyone's interested in reading a little bit more about behind-the-scenes stuff, but if you do, here's a quick and easy way to find out a little bit more about what goes on behid the blog!

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