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Underworld: Awakening

Director: Måns Mårlind and Björn Stein
Starring: Kate Beckinsale, Michael Ealy, Theo James, India Eisley, Kris Holden-Reid & Stephen Rea
Rating: ★★★

Selene, the Death Dealing vampire assassin, is back and as bad-ass as ever. This time, the world she lives in is changing for the worse, as vampires and lycans (werewolves) have finally been discovered by the human population, and are being exterminated. After an escape plan goes wrong, Selene is caught and is cryogenically frozen for twelve years, but someone or something frees her from her tomb and when she can’t find the love of her life Michael, she gets angry. And you don’t want to suffer the wrath of the strongest vampire assassin in the world, especially when she wants answers, and will stop at nothing to get them. They messed with the wrong killer.

This is why you don't mess with Selene...

All in all, it’s a good film, but not as good as the previous instalments (with Underworld: Evolution remaining the best). If you want to see hulking monsters killing one another in gratuitously gory action packed extended violence sequences, alongside Kate Beckingsale as an ass kicking gun totting vampire warrior woman in a tight leather cat suit, then this is the film for you. It doesn’t have the atmosphere or depth as the first three, but it definitely gives us a load of vampires and werewolves killing each other.

The plot is stretched thin, mainly because the second main character from the first two films is jarringly written out, only making a tiny cameo appearance, and so the script has to rely on establishing new characters while keeping up with the previous instalments’ revenge themes. 

Even Selene's friends pack a punch...

Kate Beckingsale once again delivers as the ass kicking heroine who continues to be emotionally conflicted, but still ensures that when searching for the truth, no one gets in her way. It’s really her film, as it has been for the entire franchise (except number three, Underworld: Rise of the Lycans, but that was a prequel), but the supporting cast are as likeable/hateable as they need to be and give solid performances. Well, as solid as one can give when playing a psychotic werewolf, a vampire warrior or a policeman investigating the two.  It’s odd that there aren’t more characters like Selene in other action films, as she is completely believable as a Death-Dealing vampire assassin who is stronger and cleverer than anyone else in her universe. Why shouldn’t women be strong and powerful in a central role, without also being a sinister femme fatale? The popularity of the Underworld series rests on Selene’s tough and competent shoulders! Well that and the fact she walks around in leather, but still...

The CGI is awesome, the monsters are really cool, and the best bit involves a giant genetically modified werewolf that literally rips the sh*t out of Selene. The action packed gun fights, chase scenes and marshal art chorography continues to be as fluid and graphic as before, so if you liked the previous Underworld films, then you will like this one.

The giant werewolf attacks our heroine, but she won't go down easily...

It’s not the best film ever made, and it certainly won’t win any awards, but what it lacks in tension and atmosphere it makes up for in blood splattering mayhem and frenzied fighting. I’ve been a fan from the beginning, so perhaps I’m a bit biased, but hey, this film does what it says on the tin, and gives us loyal viewers what we want. Roll on number five!

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